22 August 2008

sad reality

is my least favorite kind of reality.

But recently I heard that the elephants living in Bangkok have sad & dangerous lives. After no effort at all I found this.

I'm not sure why I'm so surprised since the 2 other times we saw elephants in Thailand they didn't look like they were living the high life.  Once, outside a temple we saw an elephant in a tiny pen in the hot sun- he looked every unhappy.

When we rode an elephant as part of our trek it was clearly animal cruelty & if we had know what it was going to be like we wouldn't have done it. The elephants kept trying to go off the trail to eat the vegetation & the handlers would pull them back on track with a metal hook in their ear. And again, no shade or water in sight for the poor beasts.

So up with elephants, down with cruelty.

0 what would you say?: