29 October 2008

vestiges of garden state

In our otherwise nearly perfect apartment we have a very tiny kitchen & since we have been trying to cook much more often (with mostly happy results barring a potato soup that was a DISASTER) Rebby & I are often bumping monkeys in there.*

Also, since we have both viewed Garden State a number of times we are always VERY intentional in warning the other if the dishwasher is open since the biggest slab of clear, flat surface is directly across from it. Basically if one is cooking at aforementioned slab there is just enough clearance behind one for someone else to load the dishwasher. However, one false move & one could potentially end up in a wheelchair for life with an estranged husband & a son addicted to downers.

Neither of us is prepared to let that happen.

Hence, always the warning. Now it is a talisman. If we don't say it the above scenario will play out.

Out we'll break the damn thing & lose our security deposit.

*That sounds sexier than it is. Seriously, this kitchen may even be too small for that.

0 what would you say?: