01 November 2008

last night

was Halloween.  Having gone to our costume party last Saturday, Rebs & I celebrated by staying home & handing out candy to all of the 6 kids that came to our door. Because we live on the second floor of the apartment building I'm guessing kids couldn't see  our sign that said, "Trick or Treaters welcome." Now I'm thinking of all the things we could have done to make it a bit more welcoming but it's a bit too late.

We also watched The Blob: very funny & surprisingly gory. I would have thought the blob would have just covered it's victims & that would be it but NO. The blob is acidic & people dissolve while being blobbed. So, so gross. But the bad acting, bad hair, & lose plot kept me in the game.

I made chocolate chip muffins but all the chips sunk to the bottom. I've never eaten a chocolate chip muffin like that so what's the secret to keeping the chips afloat? I must know... 

0 what would you say?: