30 July 2008

things i am currently obsessed with:

1. Literature & movies about climbing Everest. I can't get enough nor can I explain why. You'd think I'd hate it because it makes my recent mount climb look a bit tame (lame). It all started with this.

2.  You, The Owner's Manual. A great book about body parts & systems & how to live healthier, currently I'm just reading it but I look forward to the day when I actually start making healthy changes. (Bemoaning my natural state of procrastination.)

3. Mario Party.  A deadly combination of 2 great wedding presents: a Wii & the game itself.

4.  Giving stuff away. As Rebby & i "set up house" I am enthralled with the feeling of sending another load of "gems" to Goodwill. This should not give you the mistaken impression we are living lite 'cause we certainly are not but we are self-selecting down to only the great new wedding presents.

0 what would you say?: