01 December 2008


Where have I been? Disneyland, of course!

Well, maybe not "of course". You're under no obligation to know that I was in Disneyland.
But I was & it was great & I recommend that you all get yo'self there as soon as possible. Especially during the holidays. it is so great & beautiful for the holidays.  In fact, now I'm in such a Christmas-y mood that I was shocked to discover I had to get up & go to work today. I was convinced I was still in school & on Christmas break. Shocker.
But still, only 2 1/2 weeks until I go to MI so not too bad.

Here's a wonderful secret: The next time we go to Disneyland (this summer) we will be bringing my fantastic nephew Cowboy. It's going to be his Christmas present from us!  He will be so excited & have so much fun!!! But shhh! Don't tell him! It's a surprise!

I'll attached some photos in the next post.

2 what would you say?:

Liz said...

Can we hang out when you're back??

andizzlily said...

yeah! fo' sho' I can't wait!