09 December 2008

wanna hang out?

On Monday nights I'm usually all on my lonesome because Rebs is doing a year-long retreat & the meetings are from 6-9pm. I kinda like the lone time but sometimes I just want to hang out with Katie. I was drinking wine & making some more ornaments for our tree (pics to come) & I kept thinking how much more fun it would be if I could just call her to come on over. I want to get a little bit drunk & walk around or sit in the hot tub  & talk about nothing. I want to hang out with Katie.

And while we're at it I want a few more super comfy, close girls friends that are more geographically convenient. 

Please, Santa?

2 what would you say?:

Katie said...

I love you and I want to hang out with you too! AND I am kicking myself in the hypothetical face for not reading your blog often enough. Lets be friends. Don't you 2 cold people want to move to GR? Come on. We have a million pounds of snow, no jobs, and a shitty economy! What's not to like? Oh yeah....and hardly ever any sun. But your parents have a hot tub! And we have more blankets here.

Anonymous said...

Oh I see I'm a big fat nothing to you LOL! How come you never call me to go out? I guess I'm not one of those good friends :-(