14 January 2009

what's the...

hand motion for thank you?  I was driving home during rush hour & a lovely, beautiful, generous person let me merge in front of him/her.  I did a lame little wave which I meant to imbue with great gratitude but I'm worried it reads like a holding a hand up to someone's face ie. "Whatever, playa!" (Yeah, I know I can't even pull that off in type.)

I know lots of non-thanking gestures - not that I use them very often. But what a universal thanking gesture?

*Possibly only funny to youth ministry types, but oh, so funny to those chosen few.

2 what would you say?:

Liz said...


That was much easier than trying to explain it :)

andizzlily said...

Whoa- this is awesome. THANKS! Picture the handmotion!