11 March 2009

it makes me sad

that the only time most people start to care & talk about certain problems is when they affect a celebrity. For example, when was the last time you thought about domestic violence before the Chris Brown/Rihanna story broke? Or considered sexual assault since Kobe was accused?  

Don't get me wrong I'm glad people are talking now, but half of the information out there is incredibly victim blaming instead of educating people about the issues.  

I guess education makes for lousy headlines on those tabloids in the grocery store.

Poverty will never get this kind of play because celebrities never have to choose between feeding their kids & paying rent.

I really hope there's a bright side to this recession/downturn/depression that results in people examining their values.  In fact, I going to stop hoping, start praying, & look at my own values right now.

0 what would you say?: