22 March 2009

one of my goals for this week

is to make homemade bread. I have never done this before but I feel like it could be a really spiritual act. Which is weird because generally I think of the kitchen as a place of minor burns & cuts occur rather than a place of meditation & holiness. 

We shall see, I'll probably have to wait until Friday for my day off.

I have this dream of the teen girls in the ministry joining forces with the rest of the women for a daylong women's retreat. I picture many generations gathering together, making bread.  I don't know where it came from but it's a powerful image with me right now.

We shall see...

Meanwhile if you have a bread recipe I'd love to see it.

1 what would you say?:

Jeff said...

Here's a recipe from an NPR story I recently heard:

No Need To Knead: A Simple Way To Bake Bread
