03 April 2009

hundred day

so that last post was my 100th. I wanted my 100th one to be intentional, momentous but then I couldn't resist writing about the Outrage (which is how I'll refer to it for at least a day).

Remember Hundred Day in elementary school? 
On the one hundredth day of school everyone is supposed to bring in one hundred somethings; beads, toy cars, gumballs, feathers, baseball cards, cookies, whatever. Back them a hundred seemed like a huge number. Since then a hundred seems to expand & shrink depending on the situation: $100 in fees from overdrawing my checking account??? Big & sucky, but a hundred pink & red balloons to fill Andy's room a few Valentines days ago? Not nearly enough, piddlin' really. So, back to the party store. A hundred wedding guests? Not enough! A hundred teens at a youth event? Not enough adults! A hundred blog entries?  A drop in the blogosphere.

Really nowadays I feel like that's the case with so many things: days can seem like they last forever while a whole year flies by.  

Meanwhile, today I feel like Lent is lingering a bit longer than I would choose but I console myself with the thought that it's not even a hundred days.

0 what would you say?: